Crowns are shiny, and I hear absolution and peace are overrated anyway. And is it just me, or do the demons sort of look like they'd be a lot more fun to hang with than the Saints?
Anyway, due to a move and cross-country drive, I won't be updating for awhile. I will leave you with a link to the Proceedings of the Old Baily, which has transcriptions and digital scans of all the criminal court proceedings from 1617-1913. I searched my name and nothing came up...but my dad's did:

I always suspected he was a thief! My metal seals and brass keys are always turning up missing. But my favorite has to be the one about a case of bigamy that is dismissed because...wait for it...one of the "men" Katherine Jones married was a HERMAPHRODITE! There needs to be a Law and Order episode based on this case immediately, especially now that it's legal in at least a few states for two women to marry. Anyway, the database is big fun. Amuse yourselves for a while why don't you?
P.S. --I almost forgot...have you seen this commercial that uses Henry V's "St. Crispin's Day" speech to sell...um...video games? I kept hearing snippets of it on television and doing double-takes before I finally caught the whole thing. Somewhere Kenneth Branagh is crying. (Let's all watch his version to cleanse our palates. ) I'm not sure if I'm offended by this use of the speech or not. (Wait--yes I am...it's not even advertising a Henry V video game, because against all reason, there has never been a Henry V video game!) It is possible, however, that I'm merely embittered because my own video game proposal has garnered so little attention from the Playstation people.
Wait. You're moving? I guess I should maybe call you on the phone in addition to leaving lame-ass comments on you're blog.
The thing about that Henry V quote in the PS3 commercials is that massive amounts of people who might otherwise have never heard it are now googling around, trying to find out more about it. I know because lots of them are landing on my Shakespeare blog. So if the crossover resulted in a bunch of videogame geeks getting a little extra Shakespeare in their lives, I'm all for it!
I so terribly badly want a Henry V video game. And I want it on Wii, and I want to have to mime shooting arrows.
Also, I sure as hell wouldn't let my horsemen remain up on the hillside, no matter how disorganized the field.
Then, later, I want a whole series of games, including Hamlet. I have ideas, but I'll spare you. (a hint: there will be suiting action to the word)
Must admit it does inspire me to want to buy the game and I've never played a video game in my life.
And I love this blog.
Well, there may not be a Henry V video game out yet, but there's a video game that just came out about the Hundred Years' War. Bonus: one of the characters is apparently Christine de Pizan. I don't know what her weapon is yet, but let's just say that she's got three new virtues, and one of them is ass-kicking.
i absolutely despise this infernal blog! all bloggers are sinners! sharing their life on the internet doesnt seem right! join the jeohvah witnesses! be saved!!!! shame on your houses for making fun of henry v!!! he is a much better man than any of you will ever be!!!!! learn from your mistakes and hear my warnings! plauge and pestilence on the lot of you!!!
I know that your blog is completely voluntary and all, but it sure would be super nifty if you started updating again.
Also, am I missing the joke or is this chiquita person serious? I ask because it seems like if she were serious she would capitalize, punctuate and spell correctly so she might be taken seriously, but it's not funny.
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