Friday, January 25, 2008

The Ballad of Luther, the Pope, A Cardinal, & A Husbandman, 1550

This is a screenshot from my soon to be released video game, Immortal Soul Combat. The concept: the people of the 16th century are suffering from a religious and spiritual crisis, and it's up to you to decide how to solve it! Will you choose to be Martin Luther and insist on vernacular Bibles to spread the word of God, or will you be Pope Leo X and sell indulgences as a way of buying favor? Other characters include John Calvin, Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas More, John Knox, "Bloody" Mary Tudor, and Charles V. Who will come out on top, and who will be "reformed"?


  1. I LOVE this idea. I think the game should actually say, "Reform Him!" just before Martin Luther nails the 95 Theses right through the Pope's heart.
    Bonus: if it turns out the kids like it (and I'm sure they will) this could become just one installment in an entire video game franchise of religious-conflict based fighting games. I get dibs on Ravaillac! I'm totally gonna kick some Huguenot ass.

  2. Dammit, "Reform Him" would have been better! Quit showing me up, Doug. Maybe I'll change it.

    And I love Francois Ravaillac! You've reminded me of an awesome manuscript I once used about his execution that needs some lol attention. How ballsy is it to kill you king right in the middle of a busy street? And then blame Jesus for the whole thing? Awesome! Also, that incident make James I even more paranoid than ever, so it will always be in my top 10.
