Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The sorrowful Lamentation of a Penitent Sinner, c. 1664

Christmastime is coming! Jesus wants to remind you of something:

For the record, I think this image would make a pretty bitchin' album cover for like a cosmic heavy metal band. It's sort of trippy, especially with those flying angel heads. And the whole showing off the stigmata sort of makes Jesus look like he's "Raising the Roof!" It's the hippest Jesus ever! Although this might top my Jesus-meets-dated-dancemove-reference. LOL Christ!!!

Merry Christmas everybody!


  1. it does look like an album cover. kind of like in that movie "talledega Nights" with will ferell ya know? cal says" i picture my jesus with angels wings singin' lead vocals for linnerrd skinerrd" jesus could totally put on some angel wings and have a sweet backup band of either angels or famous dead people. He could have abraham lincoln on keyboard, joan of ark on bass, and lee harvey oswald on drums! its perfect! the band's name could be "jesus and the sinners" or the "heavenly hogs"

    but, i also think jesus looks sort of like a hippie, and hippes always make me think of Forrest Gump, so tom hanks could "accidentally" get in a car crash or "accidentaly" overdose on cocaine or something, i don't know, so he could play the tambourine in the band.

    well, those are my thoughts on jesus's record deal.
    you should introduce him to jay-z or something and they could lay down a couple of hot tracks in the studio. WORD!

  2. "Jesus and the Sinners" is perhaps the best band name I've ever heard. I think it should be a theme band, lead by Jesus, and with various other band mates dressed as sinners...like Oswald and Stalin and other famous ne'er do wells. Excellent idea!

  3. I am writing to demand that LOLManuscripts return from hiatus post-haste. I mean, come on, what else could possibly be more important-- it's not like this site's creator has an academic career involving teaching and course work and important pop-culture deconstruction over micro-brews with other grad students, right?

    Anyway, please come back.
    Love, one of your (4?) fans,

  4. i am also demanding that lol manuscripts adds some new posts and returns from its winter hibernation. i mean, what IS more important than a college grad student bringing humor, wit, and insight into the manuscripts of the Renaissance? Sarah, you need to stop slacking and pay attention to the needs of your 4 fans! How more cruel can you be!? Our lives depend on knowing what kind of evils then pope commited in 1683, and what evil satanic kitties romed the earth as a witch's farmiliar in the woods of medieval England!

    Love your devoted blog reader because i have nothing else better to do,

  5. And, if you ARE going to slack off, Sarah, at least you can let Cassidy take over for a little while...she wouldn't leave us in the lurch like this...

  6. Oh no! Cassidy has probably been waiting for this moment all along! I'll get started on a new entry right away!

  7. Whew! I, for one, was starting to get the shakes without my dose of LOL

  8. my plan has been revealed! and i was keeping it so secretive for so long...
    oh well,
    i will be watching you sarah! if you ever slack up again i wont be so generous!
